Home Paradigm CTF 2022: Write-Up Collection

Paradigm CTF 2022: Write-Up Collection


I participated in the Paradigm CTF 2022 where I was personally able to solve 7 out of the 13 EVM-related challenges (not counting the PVP game 0xMonaco and external underhanded solidity contest). I made a few 0xMonaco cars as well, but at the end we went with the car my teammates made since I was only able to work on mine for a few hours. I did not attempt or look at any of the Cairo / Solana challenges as I felt that I would not be able to do so much in the provided 48h.

Shout out to my team the notfellows! 😄

Intro - General EVM Challenge Structure

For the 13 EVM related challenges (not counting 0xMonaco, underhanded 2022) the goal was to get the Setup contract’s isSolved method to return true so that the flag could be retrieved from the server. The contracts were deployed to a private chain which was forked off of mainnet. This is an important detail as not all contracts were provided by the CTF, some were just the mainnet contracts which you then had to look at on etherscan.

Intro - Write-up Locations

This post contains technical write-ups of the Hint Finance and Just In Time challenges.

Check out the Glossary for links to write-ups of other challenges.

Hint Finance 🚩

“Earn rewards without risk by depositing tokens into one of HintFinance’s vaults!”

– Hint Finance Challenge Description

The famous last words of many projects.

Hint Finance - Intro

In case you’re just looking for the code here’s the full script in foundry.

In the Hint Finance challenge the goal was to drain 3 identical vault contracts of at least 99% of their underlying token. While the vaults were identical, the tokens stored in the vaults were different.

The vault contract was set up as a typical reward contract whereby you deposit some amount of tokens X in return for vault shares which can be redeemed for your tokens X again, along some rewards in several tokens Y. Besides the deposit and withdraw methods the contracts also had a flashloan method allowing you to borrow any token the vault holds.

There were also a couple of methods related to rewards but I quickly realized that those were just distractions as you have no way of setting the reward tokens and all the configured reward tokens were not the actual target tokens you’re looking to drain

Hint Finance - Initial Ideas 🤔

Initially I looked at the flashloan method trying to find a way to deposit/withdraw during the loan but due to its design I had to conclude that this was not possible. This is because the flashloan method enforces not only that the tokens be returned but also that the amount of total outstanding vault shares remain constant. This means you can’t keep new shares, have existing shares be redeemed or otherwise mess with the share price besides increasing it by returning more tokens than necessary.

Hint Finance - ERC777 Does It Again 😬

After my initial look I remembered that the contracts are forked off mainnet and decided to check their code. There I discovered that 2 of the 3 target tokens were ERC777 tokens.

ERC777 tokens are token contracts which are backwards compatible with ERC20 but implement added functionality based on the ERC777 standard. Most importantly the standard specifies that a token’s transfer / transferFrom methods must function as follows (excluding allowance logic):

  1. Call the sender’s pre-transfer hook if one is registered
  2. Change balance of sender, reciepient
  3. Call the sender’s post-transfer hook if one is registered

Upon discovering that the 2 tokens were ERC777 tokens I went to check the obvious vulnerability that came to mind, thinking “surely it couldn’t be this straight forward”. I looked at the withdraw and deposit methods and checked whether I could leverage the pre-/post-transfer hooks to somehow exploit the vault:

function deposit(uint256 amount)
    returns (uint256)
    uint256 bal = ERC20Like(underlyingToken).balanceOf(address(this));
    uint256 shares = totalSupply == 0
        ? amount
        : (amount * totalSupply) / bal;
    totalSupply += shares;
    balanceOf[msg.sender] += shares;
    return shares;

function withdraw(uint256 shares)
    returns (uint256)
    uint256 bal = ERC20Like(underlyingToken).balanceOf(address(this));
    uint256 amount = (shares * bal) / totalSupply;
    ERC20Like(underlyingToken).transfer(msg.sender, amount);
    totalSupply -= shares;
    balanceOf[msg.sender] -= shares;
    return amount;

Looking at the deposit method you only get control via the pre-transfer hook. This is not useful as the logic for updating the token balance and issuing new shares happens after the hook is complete, oustside of your control.

The withdraw method is the jackpot however as you get the control-flow via the post-transfer hook, after the balance was changed but before your share balance is updated. Let’s break it down with an example where we withdraw everything to illustrate:

StepVault BalanceYour BalanceTotal SharesYour SharesShare Price
Before withdraw call100.000.0100.050.01.0
Start of post-transfer hook50.00 (-50)50.0 (+50)
Contract reduces share balance50.0050.050.0 (-50)0.0 (-50)1.0
After call:50.0050.

As you’ll notice there’s a temporary dip in share price at the point where we take over the control-flow. We can “buy the dip” we artificially create by depositing back into the vault:

StepVault BalanceYour BalanceTotal SharesYour SharesShare Price
Before withdraw call100.000.0100.050.01.0
Start of post-transfer hook50.00 (-50)50.0 (+50)
After buying shares deposit(50.0)100.00 (+50)0.0 (-50)200.0 (+100)150.0 (+100)0.5
Contract reduces share balance100.00.0150.0 (-50)100.0 (-50)0.667
After call:100.00.0150.0100.00.667

Result is we were able to mint shares “out of thin air”, diluting the other depositors and allowing us to redeem more tokens. If we repeat this a couple times we’ll eventually own 99%+ of the shares and be able to drain the 2 ERC777 (PNT, AMP) tokens from the vault.

I’m not going to detail the implementation of a ERC777 based reentrancy attack, as it’s a fairly common thing but you can view my exploit script here if you’re interested in the implementation details.

Hint Finance - The Final Token, How????!!! 😡

After the first 2 tokens were relatively straight forward I started wondering how I was gonna approach the last one, SAND (ID: 1). Its transfer methods had no strange hooks, the contract file names didn’t seem to advertise any unusual standards being implemented so what can I do?

Well I went back to the vault contract and made an inventory of all the potential external calls I could somehow use:

  • transferFrom in provideRewardTokens(...) (only transfers rewards in)
  • transfer in getRewards(...) (only transfers specific reward tokens out)
  • transferFrom in deposit(...) (only transfers in tokens)
  • transfer in withdraw(...) (transfers out but only exploitable with reentrancy)
  • transfer in flashloan(...) (transfers out but cannot keep tokens)
  • onHintFinanceFlashloan in flashloan(...) (triggers flashloan callback)
  • several balanceOf (view method, meaning staticcall used under the hood)

Hmmm 🤔, there seems to be only two possibilities left: either I’m wrong about one of the other paths or the selector of the weirdly named onHintFinanceFlashloan method collides with another useful method. This is possible because the ABI spec says that selectors have to be the first 4-bytes of the function signature.

So I calculated the selector of onHintFinanceFlashloan, 0xcae9ca51 and put it in 4byte.directory, a database of function signatures and their selectors. Note that when I looked at 4byte during the challenge onHintFinanceFlashloan was not yet uploaded.

I was right, not only is there an alternative function but it was already uploaded to 4byte (I could’ve been searching much longer if I had to check it manually) and it was also present on the token contract: the approveAndCall(...) method! This is exactly what I needed, if you craft the call payload well the vault will simply approve some address you create to spend tokens on its behalf and the tokens will be mine 🤑.

Hint Finance - Flexible ABI

Before doing a victory lapse we actually have to exploit this vulnerability which is not that trivial. Let’s look at the flashloan method as a whole:

function flashloan(
    address token,
    uint256 amount,
    bytes calldata data
) external updateReward(address(0)) {
    uint256 supplyBefore = totalSupply;
    uint256 balBefore = ERC20Like(token).balanceOf(address(this));
    bool isUnderlyingOrReward = token == underlyingToken ||
        rewardData[token].rewardsDuration != 0;

    ERC20Like(token).transfer(msg.sender, amount);

    uint256 balAfter = ERC20Like(token).balanceOf(address(this));
    uint256 supplyAfter = totalSupply;

    require(supplyBefore == supplyAfter);
    if (isUnderlyingOrReward) {
        uint256 extra = balAfter - balBefore;
        if (extra > 0 && token != underlyingToken) {
            _updateRewardRate(token, extra);
    } else {
        require(balAfter == balBefore); // don't want random tokens to get stuck

The flashloan method calls the caller, not necessarily the token directly meaning we need the token to be the caller somehow and give the vault a specific payload. Thankfully we can just leverage approveAndCall again, approving the vault and calling the flashloan method.

There’s a few more tricky bits I had to find out while debugging my exploit as the two colliding methods have different parameters. Let’s breakdown the calldata that the vault creates when calling onHintFinanceFlashloan:

cae9ca51 // selector
0x00: <32-byte padded address> // vault: token, SAND: target
0x20: <32-byte padded address> // vault: factory, SAND: amount
0x40: <32-byte uint>  // vault: amount, SAND: data.offset
0x60: <32-byte padded bool> // vault: isUnderlyingOrReward, SAND: ?
0x80: <32-byte padded byte-string offset (0xa0)> // vault: data.offset, SAND: ?
0xa0: <32-byte padded byte-string length> // vault: data.length, SAND: ?
0xc0..X: <byte-string> // vault: data, SAND: ?

Firstly the recipient of the approval will be the token. This means that we can’t directly be the recipient of the approval because solidity will revert if you try to call methods like balanceOf or transfer on an EOA. So I created a custom contract to execute the exploit which had some methods so that it can pretend it’s an ERC20 token:

function transfer(address, uint256) external returns (bool) {
	// just needs to not revert
	return true;

function balanceOf(address) external view returns (uint256) {
	return 1e18; // constant for the sake of simplicity

Next you’ll notice that the approve amount that the token contract receives will be the address of the factory. Considering the token has 18 decimals and an address is about ~1e30 when interpreted as a number that’ll be more than enough to drain the contract in one go.

A further aspect is that amount can’t be just anything. If it’s 0 and points at an address it’ll imply such a large byte-string that approveAndCall will just revert when it tries to copy it from calldata to memory. Instead we set it to 0xa0 so that when approveAndCall tries to get the data it’ll find the data provided by the vault.

Another error I got is "first param != sender" from the token contract, this is because the approveAndCall method enforces that the data has a minimum length and that the first argument is the caller’s address. To ensure the correct length and address I set the return payload of the nested call to approveAndCall to be:

bytes memory innerPayload = abi.encodeWithSelector(

The selector is 0x00000000 for simplicity so I add an empty fallback method to my exploit contract so it accepts the final call.

Finally I just nest the calls and use transferFrom to transfer the tokens out of the vault. You can view my full solution here.

Hint Finance - Conclusion

The Hint Finance challenge reminds us that we should always be wary of external calls to user controllable addresses and that you should always assume that ERC20 tokens can reenter upon transfers, just like ETH.

Just In Time (JIT) 🚩

JIT - Intro

In case you’re just looking for the code here’s the full script I wrote to solve the challenge. Considering that only 5 others solved it I am particularly proud of having solved this one. Especially since I really struggled with it:

Message from me "I spent half the day just staring at just-in-time sob emoji 😂😭", Georgios Konstantopoulos responds "lmao"

But after an estimated ~16h of struggle my perceverance paid off and I managed to conquer the challenge!

In the Just-In-Time challenge (referred to as JIT for the remainder) the condition for receiving the flag, was draining the provided JIT contract of ETH. The JIT contract performs some logic around a provided input program, compiling it to EVM bytecode, subsequently deploying it and then delegate calling it.


Unlike a normal call, when a contract delegate calls to another it gives it complete control allowing it to modify storage, emit events, call other contracts, transfer ETH and even self destruct on its behalf.

While useful for libraries, proxies and complex patterns like ERC-2535 Diamonds, it can open up a lot of attack surface.

For more details refer to evm.codes or the Ethereum Yellow Paper

JIT - Compiler Structure 🧱

If we’re going to give this JIT compiler a program that’ll compile to malicious code we’ll have to first understand it. Skimming over the contract and reading the comments we can identify 6 modules / steps:

  1. Loop finder: Finds and matches square-brackets []
  2. Block finder: Based on the loops splits the program into discrete “blocks” that can be jumped to
  3. Optimizer: Shortens repetitive / inefficient program segments
  4. Code generator: Generates the main meat of the code, translating jit symbols into EVM bytecode and keeping track of where blocks start and end in the bytecode.
  5. Label filler: Inserts the actual jump locations into the code.
  6. Deployer: Inserts the code length into the constructor, deploys and executes the code

Side note: Looking at the basic set of symbols [],.+-<>, the “jit language” seems to be a super set of Brainfuck, a minimalistic, turing complete language.

JIT - Desired Code

Before we trick the compiler into generating malicious code we need to ask ourselves what that code should look like so that we know what we’re aiming for. There’s a relatively small set of opcodes that would allow us to transfer out ETH: CREATE , CALL, CALLCODE, DELEGATECALL, CREATE2 and SELFDESTRUCT.

From all these operations SELFDESTRUCT seems to be the best candidate as it only consumes 1 stack element and automatically transfers all ETH, especially useful considering how constrained the compiler is. The precise recipient is irrelevant as our sole win condition is to drain the compiler, making our goal: have the code reach a SELFDESTRUCT opcode with at least 1 element on the stack.

JIT - Getting Our Code In 🕳️

Working backwards we can look at the code generator and see that the only opcodes it directly inserts are: SWAPs, PUSHs, MLOAD, MSTORE, JUMPDEST, JUMP, JUMPI, ADD, SUB, CALLDATALOAD, DUPs, SHR and LOG0.

However there is a single section that inserts user defined bytes into the final result. However with heavy restrictions. If the parser doesn’t recognize a byte in the program it’ll insert it directly into the code, wrapped in invalid opcodes:

// jit.compile isn't actually provided in the challenge, I simply split the invoke method for testing

Results in:

630000001c80600e6000396000f3 (constructor)
6000618000                   (contract header, sets up stack)
5b                           (JUMPDEST, block start)
80516001018152               ("+")
8051600190038152             ("-")
deadffbeef                   (0xff wrapped in invalid opcodes)
5b00                         (contract footer, JUMPDEST STOP)

This presents the major issue that whatever opcode we place in the middle is not reachable. It can’t be reached linearly because of the invalid opcodes in front and it can’t be jumped to because the EVM requires a JUMPDEST at the location where a jump (JUMP / JUMPI) lands, meaning we actually need to insert at least 2 bytes somehow: 5bff (JUMPDEST, SELFDESTRUCT).

There are other compiler sections that insert custom bytes but only ever after PUSH opcodes meaning they aren’t interpreted as their opcodes but as data.

JIT - Breaking The Wrapper ⛏️

Note that we can put any opcode in the wrapper as long as its byte value doesn’t overlap with one of the recognized jit symbols ([],.<>+-RLAS0#), we can even insert a PUSH opcode into the wrapper. What’s interesting about the PUSH opcode here is that it’s not an isolated opcode, the bytes following a PUSH get pushed on the stack, so they’re not interpreted as functional opcodes but data.

While this still doesn’t allows us to reach the code it does allow us to change the meaning of subsequent code. As an example imagine the following EVM code:

  de      ad          ff         be      ef     61    5bff

Now, placing a PUSH3 in the invalidity wrapper:

  de      ad     62     beef61    5b         ff

The bytes 5bff that were previously treated as data to be pushed, are all of a sudden malicious code!

Note in the actual JIT compiler we use the A / S symbols to insert the 2-bytes, which also inserts added opcodes before its PUSH2 which is why my final solution uses PUSH5 (0x64).

JIT - Reaching The Wrapper

We’ve figured out how to insert some malicious code but now we actually need to jump to it. Looking at the loop finder, block finder and label filler modules they seem quite robust, they only ever insert jump labels that jump between the edges of blocks, which are at the program’s square brackets.

Thankfully we can insert a custom jump location by leveraging 3 bugs in the compiler:

  1. The loop linking mapping loops is not reset between calls
  2. The block to code position mapping basicBlockAddrs is also not reset between calls
  3. Unmatched open-brackets [ are allowed and do not reset their loop values

Matched square brackets are safe because when they’re found their respective links are reset. However for unmatched square brackets the block finder still queries the loops mapping allowing us to use values set in previous calls.

JIT - Tying It All Together 🎁

Now that we know how to exploit the contract we need to implement the exploit, while it’s relatively straight forward once you know how, getting the precise positions right is a bit finicky.

I started with the final program, inserting some padding # to ensure that I had enough space to set the necessary values in prior calls: [################\x64S\x5b\xff. I then compiled with JIT to see where the location of the critical JUMPDEST was. I then crafted 2 pieces of JIT code one setting the value in the basicBlockAddrs mapping and the other in loops. It’s likely possible to do it in 1 instead of 2 pre-solution programs but for simplicity’s sake I just did it in 2 as it was easier.

Despite all the effort the above work condenses down to the following small solution:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only

pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import "forge-std/Script.sol";

import {Setup, JIT} from "src/public/contracts/Setup.sol";

contract ExploitJIT is Script {
	function setUp() public {}

	function run() public {
		Setup s = Setup(vm.envAddress("SETUP_ADDR"));
		JIT jit = s.TARGET();

		jit.invoke("[#######################]", "");
		jit.invoke("########################[]", "");
		jit.invoke("[################\x64S[\xff", "");


JIT - Conclusion

Just-In-Time shows us that simplicity is king and that you should avoid using storage mappings for on the fly calculations. Not only is it vulnerable but it costs a lot of gas!

This challenge also taught me that I should never give up and always look for stupid stuff I missed. I was stuck for several hours because I missed the fact that JIT used mappings for certain critical data structures and didn’t take precautions to reset them in-between calls. Making a detailed list of assumptions I had and checking them could’ve helped me discover this sooner.


The following is a breakdown of the Paradigm CTF 2022 with links to respsective write-ups. Challenges are sorted by total solves. Credit to 0xfoobar’s thread for links to some of the write-ups.

  • ✅ Means personally solved (for 0xMonaco just means participated)
  • ❌ Did not solve

EVM (Solidity) Challenges:

Solana Challenges:

Cairo Challenges:

  • ❌ Cairo Auction
  • Cairo Proxy
  • ❌ Riddle Of The Sphinx

Found a grammar, spelling or factual error or would like to suggest an improvement? Feel free to raise an issue or reach out to me on twitter.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.